Piggy bank for smart money kids

This cute piggy bank has not only one but four separate chambers. That makes it easy for kids to save for different wishes.

The saving goal stickers help to make choices and the transparent material lets children see how money grows and – once spent – how it goes. But it’s not all about the money… therefore, our saving buddy has a special chamber called donate.

In use in over 1 Million households on six continents

Schools in many German «Länder», across Switzerland and widely in the USA work with this clever XXL piggy bank

The best: It works and the kids love it

Piggy bank | Families
A parent is the most influential person in a child’s life – especially when it comes to financial behaviour. Consumption habits are set to 70% by age 12-16. Use the years before to inoculate your child with good values around money and consumption. The Kinder-Cash piggy bank was designed to help you achieve this.
Piggy bank | Schools
We offer curricula for 7-9 and for 10-13 year old students. The special piggy bank is the main actor and „translator“ of the money concepts. Available are German, French and Italian versions. They can be translated and adapted to your needs.
All projects with schools have so far been sponsored by third parties.

A piggy bank for families

Kinder-Cash for families

Help your children get smart about money

  • An easy, effective and fun way to teach kids responsible money habits at home
  • Use the years before your children start earning their own money
  • The goal: A finacially self-determined and independant life free from heteronomous (brand) wishes and status symbols
  • Leading the way is the award-winning, interactive Kinder-Cash piggy bank
  • Why you? A parent is the most influential teacher in a child‘s life. It will copy your ‚money behaviour‘.
  • Why so early? Marketers don‘t wait. They target very young children.
  • Why at all? More and more young people burden their future with debt. Early intervention is key.

A piggy bank for schools

Kinder-Cash for schools

Proven teaching materials – Easy to use in your class
Cross subject, holistic learning
All existing school projects have been sponsored by third parties
In use nationwide in Switzerland and in most German ‚Länder‘
Kinder-Cash resources on the website of the OECD: www.financial-education.org
School principal, Braunschweig: „… My pupils are totally thrilled and the teachers motivated by the materials…“
Piggy bank can be used as stand alone teaching tool – it covers 10 languages
Contact us if you are interested to learn more about our project. The existing German, French and Italian versions can be adapted to any language.

A piggy bank for companies

Smart piggy bank, sustainable CSR, effective PR

Unique piggy bank which has won many awards and is in use in many countries
Your clients understand immediately how it works and what it stands for its strength lays in its simplicity
Adapt Kinder-Cash to your needs
We can create a beautiful booklet based on our colouring and activity book
Branding possible
Piggy bank available in four colours, new colour possible for large orders
Piggy bank covers 10 languages – more can be added
Minimum quantities, prices: Please Contact us


Sparschwein für Kinder und Eltern

Piggy Bank – 10 Languages: D, F, I, GB, NL, E, P, H, DK, S

Beautiful box with the following content:

1 Piggy bank | Stickers for saving targets | Stickers for eyes

Stickers SPEND, SAVE, INVEST, DONATE in 10 languages

Code for the parent manual in 11 languages (Above plus Czech – PDFs with savvy tips for day-to-day use)
(« Yellow cover of parent manual shown only for information)

Piggy bank has 4 separated chambers, 4 slots, 4 exits

Colours:   Red, Green, Blue, Pink
Material:  Transparent plastic
XXL:   ca. 21x14x13cm
Ages:  4 – 99

Price – details in the shop

Payment by bank transfer or paypal (no cheques)

Mara Catherine Harveys‘ lovely and very nicely illustrated books are a great add-on to the Kinder-Cash piggy banks.
Perfect for a cuddly reading evening on the sofa with the kids.

„.. when you grow up, what will you be?
Any or all of the things that you dream!
You could go up to space or design a new car,
you could be CEO, you could travel afar.
For all your goals, there are two things you’ll need:
some money to start and a smart plan indeed…“

A smart way to start

About us

Kinder-Cash for schools

Our Purpose

Zentris Ltd. wants to effectively support children together with their parents and educators on the road to become self and socially responsible individuals.

We strive to helping children develop a healthy and sustainable mind set around money and consumption which they can transfer to their future children. They learn to wait, to delay self gratification, to set priorities, to set goals and to review them, they learn about choice, wants, needs, how to create reserves, entrepreneurship and much more.

Parents are strengthened in their educational role and know the basic and most important aspects of financial literacy and they get down to earth tips and ideas for use in their day-to-day life.

Teachers are motivated by the high standard and ease of use of the materials and integrate financial literacy in their teaching.

Organisations, Partners, Sponsors who share our vision:

It is amazing what a group of people with the same vision can accomplish. We are grateful that our project has found so many supporters and friends.

Below a list of some of them:


Pro Juventute

European Parent’s Association


Child & Youth Finance Intl.

Lebensbruecke e.V.

Verein Plan B

Elternbildung Schweiz

Müller-Möhl Foundation


Grundschule Illmenau, Braunschweig

Aduno Group

Bain & Co

Münchner Bank

Volkswagen Bank direkt

VR Bank, Ismaning

Kreissparkasse München